Welcome to Year 4!

All of the Year 4 team would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new Year 4 children and their families. We have really enjoyed our first week where we have been able to get to know the children. They have made a great start to the year and we are impressed with how quickly they have settled in. We are particularly proud of the example that they are setting to the new Year 3 children!

All classes are open for parents to visit on Friday 14th September from 2:30pm. You will be able to see your child's classroom, meet the teacher and the rest of the new class. If you are unable to visit at this time, then please do make an appointment with your child's class teacher (if you wish to do so).

We have lots of exciting things planned for the year. We really want the children to enjoy their learning and are keen to ensure that this is the case for all of our Year 4s. We look to forward to the year ahead!

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