Y3 Home Learning wc13-4-20
As the new term starts tomorrow, we have put together new home learning plan with suggested activities to work on for this week (see below) and have emailed any sheets/presentations that you need. We have tried to include a range of activities with many that children will be able to complete independently. Some might require an adult to read through the instructions to start them off and please be aware that the web links we have included for videos may have links to other sites that we have not checked for suitability. This plan is not compulsory as we realise that there will be different challenges that each family will face. It is meant as a guide to help the children to consolidate/ continue with their learning and may help them to keep a sense of routine whilst stuck at home. Anything that they can do each day is great.
For literacy this week, we are continuing with poetry. We would love to create a Y3 poem based on 'The Magic Box' where every child makes up an item that they would like to put in the magic box. At the end of the week, we will then put all of those lines together to make one poem that we will have written together and publish it on the blog for everyone to read. Please email your line for the poem to us by Friday.
For maths, the theme is measuring mass. The children need to understand that there are 1000g in 1kg so anything they can do with practical weighing would help. Doing some cooking with following a recipe is a great way to do this.
We would love to see anything that the children manage to do so please email us photos/descriptions/presentations of their work to year3@lydgate-jun.sheffield.sch.uk. The Y3 teachers will look at it every day. We also look at what the children have done online (My Maths, Education City and TT Rock Stars).
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