Y3 Home Learning wc23-3-20

Whilst the school is closed to most pupils, we will be posting sets of activities for you to complete at home on this blog. Please see below for the table of activities for next week. Although we do not expect you to work for 5 hours a day, we would love you to continue to enjoy learning so it would be good if you could try to complete some activities each day. It will be important to keep some routine and keep the mind and body active whilst stuck at home.

We will be sending the supporting resources home with the children who are in school today. For those who are at home today, we will be sending all of the activities by email on Monday.

You can choose how you organise your time, but below is a suggested weekly plan:


Daily reading– if you run out of books at home, you can access some free eBooks at www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/


SpellingPractice – choose activities from the grid or make up your own game or way topractise.


Times Tables– try to practise for 5-10 minutes a day.


Telling thetime – an important skill to practise whenever the opportunity arises.


Maths &Literacy – complete the activities in the grids spread out through the week.


Physicalactivity – aim to do some physical exercise every day.


Creative& Other Activities – choose from the list. You can complete as many as youwant to but try to complete at least one each week. Try to choose a differenttype of activity each week.

We hope you enjoy what we have put together for you.

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