RRS Class Charters

This term, the children in Year 3 have been learning about what it means to be a Rights Respecting School, with a particular focus on the right to an education (Articles 28 & 29), the right to play (Article 31), the right to be safe (Articles 19 & 24) and the right to be respected (Articles 12, 14 & 30) . We have talked about how everyone can show respect for the rights of the child and each class has designed their own Class Charter to display their promises to each other. The classes voted on the theme and every child contributed to the displays.

Y3AW decided on a surfboard theme:









Y3SH wanted dragons and dragon eggs:









Y3D/dB voted for the theme of colours:
















Y3RH decided to make their charter as a Minecraft theme:









Next half term, we will be thinking more about pupil voice (Article 12 - the right to give your opinion) .

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