Welcome to Year 3

It has been a busy (and fun) start in Year 3! The children have settled in really well and we are very pleased with how quickly they have learned the routines and how well they are engaging with their learning.

Alongside plenty of 'getting to know you' and 'settling in' activities, one of the first tasks was to create a self portrait using oil pastels. The children have impressed us with their art skills. Can you recognise anyone in these photographs?

All children should now have brought home two reading books. One is a levelled book that the teacher has directed them to choose and the other is a free choice book to share at home. One of our top priorities for learning this term is to get the children reading as much as possible. We would like them to read at home every day if possible, or at least three times a week. They will be able to change their books in school once a week if they need to but we are asking that they bring their books into school every day for when we read in class.

Apart from reading, the children will be given some small weekly homework tasks to complete:

Monday - they will bring home a spelling list to learn for a test on Friday.

Tuesday - a times tables practice booklet to complete by the following Monday. The more the children can practise quick recall of these number facts, the better so you could look out for online games or apps that they might enjoy.

Friday - a homework task linked to our work in school to be returned the following Friday. This will usually be sent on green paper so it is easily identifiable.

We will try to post details of the weekly homework task and the spelling lists for the half term on this blog although we will not be able to include all of the printed sheets due to copyright.

We look forward to sharing lots of the children's great work on this blog in the coming weeks so please check back to see what they have been up to.

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