Friday 26th March

It is so good to have everyone back at school! We have done lots of great learning together this week. Here are some of the things we“ve been up to.


4CW enjoyed a lovely time in the woods this week and made some fabulous stick mobiles.  Miss Sewell showed us how to join our sticks together and use beads to create some lovely designs.  We also played a really fun game called capture the flag.  We say goodbye to Miss Sewell at the end of this week as she has now very successfully completed her placement with us. 


We have also spent time in our woods this week. We noticed lots of changes from the last time we were in there — it was much warmer and drier and we spotted buds and spring flowers peeping through the soil.

Our activities were all based on „A Midsummer Night“s Dream.“ First of all, we tried to find plants and trees that are mentioned in the play. Oak, ivy and wild garlic were all very easy to find.

Then we did some drama. We acted out different scenes from the play, using the most well known quotations. Can you spot Demetrius, Helena, Lysander, Hermia, Oberon and Puck in our scenes?

We know the story really well now and today, we were thinking about the different themes within the play such as love, magic and dreams.

We imagined that a spell would be cast on us so that we had an extraordinary dream. Our dream could be funny, sad, exciting, thrilling or adventurous. We then created the spells that would make these dreams come true.

Here are a few of them. Can you tell what sort of dreams these spells would conjure up?

We have also been studying the character of Puck. He is a really important character within the play. We thought about his influence on other people in the story and used cards to show who he influenced the most. Then we collected words and phrases that best described this mischievous fairy. 

We then wrote our own character descriptions. This is Sammy“s. We think he did a really good job. Do you think Puck“s personality shines through?

« Puck is a comic fairy who appears in a play called „A Midsummer Night“s Dream“ by William Shakespeare. He is the main jester to the King of the forest, just outside a city called Athens. He is an impish fairy that messes with love. We know this because he could hardly contain his laughter when he put a magical flower into two mens eyes. He also gave a devilish roar when he turned Bottom“s head into that of a donkey. He is very loyal and when his master calls, he is so proud, he could touch the sky. He looks a bit different to the other fairies and can vanish into thin air when someone comes along, which I think is very cheeky. I love Puck because he always has a trick up his sleeve!»


We have been busy having fun in our indoor PE sessions learning an Amazon rainforest inspired dance. The children are doing a fantastic job working together as a class and also in small groups. Here are some pictures of the dance so far. Can you work out what our poses and actions represent?

We have also continued our English work all about William Shakespeare“s A Midsummer Night“s Dream. The children have been doing some fabulous writing about the story and the characters. Last week“s homework linked to Shakespeare“s famous quote „To thine own self be true“. Here are two amazing interpretations. Well done everyone for working so hard this week!


In 4JD this week we were sad to see our student teachers leave, but glad to see the sunshine and some signs of Spring!  We have also really enjoyed learning about William Shakespeare and  the complicated plot of A Midsummer Night“s Dream.

This week we completed some character analysis work. We imagined we were a director (like Peter Quince!) briefing our actors and actresses on how to approach their role. We thought about appearance, personality and the actions and impacts of our featured character on the other characters in the play. 

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