Thursday 1st April

What a funny Spring term we have had! It's not been quite what we expected but it has been lovely to be able to end our second term in year 4 all together. Thank you for being so keen and ready to learn - we continue to be so very proud of each and every one of you.

Here's what we have been up to this week.


Wow! We have had a super busy final four days of the Spring term! Here are some pictures of the children enjoying a maths lesson. They measured each others' bodies and then divided the measurements by 10 or 100 to shrink themselves into pixies!

We had another fun morning in the woods on Wednesday. As well as enjoying the beautiful, warm sunshine, the children enjoyed their hot chocolates and biscuits and a little play. To finish off the term there was a little Easter picture hunt and some delicious mini Easter eggs!


Like 4SS, we also enjoyed the woods this week and had some glorious weather. We also went on an Easter egg hunt and celebrated the end of the term with some well-deserved hot chocolate.

In our literacy this week, we created some 'Midsummer Night's Dream' inspired magical flowers with water colour paints. Then we immersed ourselves in some botanical writing.  After that we felt ready to have a go at writing some reports about our invented magical plant. We were very original and even managed to use some adverbial phrases in our work (which pleased Mrs Drury immensely!)  


We also had lots of fun this afternoon measuring different body parts and then dividing these measurements by 10 and 100. We realised that when we divide, the digits move to the right and when we multiply, the digits move to the left. We had lots of practise rounding our measurements too. Lots of fun, lots of measuring, lots of noise!


We have been so busy this week, inside and outside the classroom! 

It was our last basketball lesson on Tuesday so we had a mini class tournament. We enjoyed the chance to show off our skills. It was a really tight contest and we ended up with 3 teams in first place!

We have been super scientists this week too. First of all, we grouped animals and then created our own branching databases to classify them. We had to think carefully about the right questions to ask. It was quite tricky to think of questions that had a straight YES or NO answer.

We pretended we were scientists in our English lessons too. Like 4JD, we thought about how a magical flower is central to the plot of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' We took on the role of serious botanists and imagined that we had discovered this flower in the woods. We took notes and made careful sketches before we produced our reports describing what we had found.

Decorated Egg competition

Distancing rules haven't stopped us from holding the traditional decorated egg competition this year - we just did it virtually! 

Well done to everyone who took part and a huge well done to the Y4 winners. Here are our eggs-ellent entries.

We hope you all have a lovely holiday and we look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks for our final term of learning.


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