Friday 30th April 2021

Welcome to another busy blog from Year 4! 

This week, we have worked as a team on a fact-finding mission around the school. We wanted to find out just how 'plastic clever' we are. First of all, we devised a survey and then took it to different areas in the school, such as the office, the kitchen, the classrooms and the staffroom. We wanted to find out how much single-use plastic ends up in our bins. 

The survey gave us a few surprises and also gave us lots to think about. We have passed our findings onto the Year 5 team so that they can analyse the data some more. Watch this space!


This week in 4JD we have been really busy with our Science. We completed our 'Animals including Humans,' display. Some children wrote in detail about the seven life processes that we have been learning about (MRS GREN - Ask your child at home and they will tell you all about them!) Our class favourite to discuss and explain is excretion! 

Also in Science we created some great food chains in both our books and as free hanging displays. We loved painting our creatures. We learnt about how pollution can enter a food chain and how if one species becomes dominant it can damage the delicate balance in nature.


Finally we created some great descriptions of the Iron Giant (by Ted Hughes). We worked on using possessive apostrophes, similes and metaphors to create descriptive sentences and some beautifully presented work.




We have had a super busy week being really creative with our learning in school (fantastic Lowry inspired artwork, imaginative gymnastics rolls, descriptive writing about The Iron Man and more!) but we have been so impressed with the learning that has taken place at home over the Easter holidays. The children have researched the history of Sheffield and we are really enjoying sharing their amazing homework efforts in class. Here are a selection of the things the children have made; what a varied way of showing what they have found out! We are learning so many new facts about our great city. 


4CW have been enjoying an extra orienteering lesson with Mr Wright.  For the last two weeks, we have been locating cones around the school site, but this week, we took it a step further and used maps of our school.  We learnt that if we always pointed our 'Magnetic North' on the map towards the crossroad at the top of Shore Lane, we couldn't go far wrong.

We have also been enjoying the homework that we have completed over the holiday.  We have been spending time admiring eachother's work.


We spent some time in the woods this week. We noticed lots of changes again. It was lovely to see the bluebells and hear the birdsong this week.

We also noticed there was quite a bit of litter so before we started our activities, we did a mass tidy up. Look how much litter we collected! We also tidied up the spare wood and logs and stored them under the platform to keep dry.

After our trip to Greno Woods last week we are now expert bug hunters! We took out our jars and magnifiers, lifted stones and logs and found a fair few critters. We used identification charts to classify them.

We have also been busy inside the classroom where reading and art have merged together! We have started 'The Iron Man' too and have looked carefully at the language Ted Hughes has used in the book and we have started to collect vocabulary so that we can do our own descriptive writing next week. Here are our Iron Man paintings, ready to be described.

We started our new class novel last week: The Somerset Tsunami by Emma Carroll. It's based on real life events that took place in Somerset in 1616. We are really enjoying it so far! We have done some research about tsunamis and today we had a go at painting our own huge waves. We took our inspiration from the Japanese artist Hokusai. We made our own versions of his woodcut The Great Wave of Kanagawa and displayed them as a great wave in our classroom!


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