Friday 14th May 2021
Year 4 have had a really creative week. We've been working on poetry, outdoor sculptures, junk models and, of course, our whole school art. The displays went up in school tonight and look wonderful. The whole school looked at some of the world's most iconic paintings and made their own responses to them.
Year 4 worked on landscapes: Hokusai's Great Wave, Lowry's School, Van Gogh's Starry Night and Klee's Castle and Sun. Can you spot our work?
This week we have been super busy, working hard to complete our art work for the latest whole school art project. The children have used pastels to create Lowry-style landscapes. If you look carefully, you will see images inspired by famous buildings and places in Sheffield such as the Botanical Gardens. We are so proud of the children's art skills; we have a wonderful class of artists! The results are simply stunning!
4CW have had a lovely time in the woods this week making pictures out of anything we could find on the forest floor. Take a look below and see if you can spot the crocodile.
We have also been looking at blackout poetry. We took a couple of pages from the book we are working from - 'The Iron Man' - and then chose a noun that jumped out at us. Once we had identified the noun, we searched for other words that linked with our chosen word. We were really pleased with how they turned out.
In RE this half term we are learning about inspirational religious figures and this week we learnt about the Dalai Lama. We learnt some facts about his life and carried out a quiz. Finally we used some quotes of his beliefs and ideas, then interpreted them into what they meant to us.
In science we created some inventive, human digestive systems out of junk. It was good to go crazy with the selotape! Mrs Drury was happy with the finished product and our descriptive labelling.
We have tried our hand at polyblock printing and found out we are rather good at it! Our inspiration was the painting Castle and Sun by Paul Klee. He used lots of geometric shapes and bright colours. First of all, we created our own line drawings of a cityscape.
Then we used a biro to copy our designs onto polyblock squares. It's quite a skill and we had to have a few tries but we got there in the end. Then came the exciting bit - we inked up the blocks and revealed the print!
Then we worked over the top of our prints with oil pastels, soft pastels, wax crayons and metallic paint.
We think our art is amazing!
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