Friday 28th May
It's been all about the blue whale in Year 4 this week and we have loved it!
This week we have really enjoyed completing our non-chronological reports on blue whales.
We used our beautiful labelled diagrams and added an introduction, fun fact boxes (and flaps in some cases), an attention grabbing heading and most importantly our factual paragraphs (with snappy subheadings).
We used our notes to add the factual details and included further illustrations to decorate our reports.
Planning out our layout before this lesson, meant we had really thought about how we were going to set our work out. This also meant we were more confident and adventurous in the presentation of our work. We are really proud of the finished product!
4CW has also had lots of fun presenting their work about Blue Whales. We got really excited about making flaps and pockets for our fun facts so had a limit of three per person. Here are just a few of our finished pieces.
Guess what? We also enjoyed creating our whale reports! We have learnt so many new facts and thought carefully about how to write them down in a way which made us look like blue whale experts. We took lots of care with our presentation and loved making little pockets and lift the flaps to hide secret information. Some of us even included whale jokes. This is our favourite:
What do whales do on a date?
Netflix and krill.
We are so proud of writing at the moment. Take a look at our new classroom display with all the lovely work we have done based on The Iron Man. Mrs Purdom thought we should celebrate our achievements by putting it all on the wall. Isn't it fabulous?
And finally......
please have a go at our holiday homework challenge! We would like you to create a tiny seaside scene in a matchbox. You are such a creative bunch, we can't wait to see what you come up with.
Happy holidays everyone - have fun!
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