Friday 11th June 2021

It seems the summer has finally arrived for our last half term in year 4!

Our highlight this week has to be the 'create a seaside scene in a matchbox' homework. Take a look below to see just how fabulous they are.


We have enjoyed a busy week doing lots of lovely things but with a particular theme of the sea. The children worked hard creating their non-fiction reports all about blue whales. Their beautiful and eye-catching work has made a fantastic display in the classroom! Great writing children!


We have also really enjoyed seeing the seaside matchboxes the children created over the half term holidays. They are so imaginative, detailed and different. It just goes to show that tiny things can be beautifully done! Which one is your favourite?


In Y4CW we have also had some wonderful matchbox homework in too. Here a just a few of some of the wonderful creations that are on display on our windowsill. We have had lots of fun looking at each other's work and discussing the different ideas we have had. 

On Wednesday, we had our forest school session looking at faces in the trees.  When we had found some natural features, we added clay and other items from the forest floor to make them into more interesting faces. Take a look below at our work.  It is amazing how many trees down there have faces.  If you look carefully, there is a face to be found on nearly every tree. 


It's been a warm week for us but we have still worked hard in 4JD! We have really enjoyed our maths focus on Statistics. We have identified many different types of graphs and tables, and answered lots of one and two step questions about graphs. We have identified which information would be classified as discrete or continuous.

Then we enjoyed collecting our own information, creating bar graphs and line graphs. The subject matter was very topical (and tropical!) and left us feeling hungry!

Here's some clever and artisitic matchbox homework from us too.


We've worked really hard this week. We've enjoyed listening to folktales about a selkie - a mythical cretaure we knew nothing about. We have also read stories about merfolk - we had heard of them! We are going to listen to more tales next week before finally writing our own sea folktale. Watch this space....

Before the holiday, lots of us were confused by analogue time because we are used to reading digital time so we have been doing a lot of practise. We are so much better now and feel much more confident.

We have enjoyed spending time outside in this beautiful sunny weather. On Tuesday, we developed our ball skills over a net because we are getting ready to play tennis. We already have a few experts in the class! We also made these stunning Andy Goldsworthy-inspired sculptures in the woods. It was a shame to dismantle them but we have to remember to 'leave no trace.'

And finally, here are our matchbox masterpieces! 


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