Fri 24th September

It's been another busy week in Year 4. We are really into the swing of things now and loving our learning. Read on to find out what's been happening this week.


We have had an energetic, active week in 4JD. It was great to see so many children from my class at cross country last Saturday.

We have started doing a daily mile during the school day and this has proved to be very popular. Some of us walk and have a chat while some of us run it.

We have also perfected our Bollywood dance in PE. If you ask the children nicely they might show you some of our moves! We had another dodgeball lesson today with Mr Wright, which was great fun!

In addition we loved being outside for our first forest schools session on Wednesday. We discussed stories involving trolls, (ask me about Jack, his soft cheese, white bird and his sack!) and then made our very own trolls out of clay and natural materials.

I'm sure you agree we made the most fabulous and unique trolls.


In 4CW this week, we have been finding out more about Romans and Celts.  We watched the Rotten Romans from the Horrible Histories series and found out lots of new information.  We recorded this in our books as mindmaps with the intention of adding to them as we find out more over the term.  Here are a couple of examples of our work.



We have spent a lot of time this week creating our class timeline. We started by looking at books, trying to work out where the Romans fitted into world history and what happened before and after. We also watched 'The Rotten Romans' which really helped us to understand what life was like before the Roman invasion.

We then brainstormed historical events we knew and used iPads and information books to do some deeper research. We needed to find accurate dates so we could place them on our timeline.

We made illustrated postcards to show off our research.

Then came the tricky bit. We needed to put all the events in chronological order. It stretched right across the classroom.

We think our timeline is a thing of beauty!

And finally......... 

Don't forget next Wednesday is our Global Goals day when we will be thinking specifically about climate action. We will tell you all about it in our next blog so watch this space!

Remember it's a non-uniform day and you are invited to bring a £1 contribution towards funds for our partner school in The Gambia.

Thank you for your support.



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