Friday 21st January

It's been another busy week in Year 4!


We enjoyed the woods this week. It was very cold but the sun was shining. We were amazed at the thick carpet of leaves that had fallen since the last time we were down there. We also spotted some bulbs sprouting through the ground to give us a hint that Spring will soon be on its way.

This week we created some Andy Goldsworthy inspired art. We collected items from nature to make our masterpieces.

We picked our positions carefully, thought about the purpose of a frame and looked around the woods with a careful eye for detail, discovering interesting natural objects for our work. Finally we arranged them in an attractive and often symmetrical arrangement.

It was lots of fun and all washed down with a delicious helping of hot chocolate.


During our time in the computer suite, we always begin our sessions by practising our multiplication facts on the TT Rockstars program.  We try to improve our score each week and we are able to monitor our progress over the term.  It is great to see how much quicker we have become since September.

We have also been using Microsoft Excel to record and sort our data on spreadsheets.  Using the 'Time and Date' website, we have found the temperature of different cities around the world and have entered them onto our spreadsheets.  We have then used the program to sort the temperature in different ways such as highest to lowest.  This has shown us how such programs can help us sort data in different ways. 


We have finished another busy week with a piece of independent writing. The children were in role as Henry ‘Box’ Brown and wrote a letter to President Polk (President of America in 1849 when Henry made his brave escape from slavery), telling him what it was like to be a slave. The purpose of the letter was to persuade the President to abolish slavery. The children were incredible when writing their letters; you could hear a pin drop! We have been so impressed with the knowledge the children have gained about enslaved people and the empathy they have shown. Have a read of a few of the letters. Mrs Smith is going to enjoy reading them at the weekend!


Monday 17th January was Martin Luther King Day in the USA. We have spent some time this week learning about him, his life and what he stood for. We listened to his famous speech where he said 'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character,' and we thought about what this meant. We made our own pictures to convey the speech and tried to describe what we had drawn.

We are looking forward to making dream jars next week when we will be thinking about our own hopes and dreams for the future.

We also listened to a song by Stevie Wonder called 'Happy Birthday'. Have a listen and see if you can work out what it is about.




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