Friday 4th February

Welcome to another weekly blog from year 4 and what a busy, fun-filled week it has been with lots of great learning from all our classes.


After finding out all about Martin Luther King and his life story, we were inspired by his famous 'I have a dream' speech. We made these beautiful dream jars. We thought about our own dreams for a better world, wrote them down and tied them around decorated bottles. We are going to take these home and put them somewhere special so we can be reminded of our dreams every day.

We would also like to share our Andy Goldsworhy sculptures that we made in the woods last week. We had great fun designing these pieces of art and we were surpsised at the colours we found. It's amazing what you can find on the woodland floor if you look really closely!

We have really enjoyed practising our hockey skills this half term and we've realised we have some very feisty players! We played an in-class tournament on Tuesday, which was great fun. It was a close competition, played in good spirit. Congratulations to the winners and well played to everyone.


This week we enjoyed the woods. We were looking for faces in the trees. We discovered that, a bit like when you look at the clouds with a friend, we could all see different things and images in the tree trunks and branches. We used clay and leaves to create our own faces in the trees. We felt that our tree characters took on their own personalities. It was such good fun. We finished off with a litter pick.

If you look closely you might be able to spot a clay squirrel and an axolotl.



Following our fantastic Zoolab session last week where we learnt about just some of the animals found in the rainforest, this week we have delved into the wonderful world of rainforest plants. After finding out about the different layers (or strata) of the rainforest, the children made beautiful watercolour images showing each different layer. We're really impressed with how they've turned out!


We have been enjoying a game called Globle.  Each day we have to guess a new country.  If we guess a country that is very near,  the globe lights up bright red and we know that we are very close to getting it right.  If our guess is nowhere near, the country turns a very pale shade of yellow on the globe and we know that we need to move to a different continent.  We are playing this game atleast three times each week to develop our knowledge of the different continents and the countries that lie within.  We are also playing it because it is lots of fun.  

And finally.......

Look at these amazing dragon's eye paintings by our Y4 art club. Aren't they incredible? Clay versions coming soon!

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