Friday 4th March 2022
What fabulous World Book Day fun we had on Thursday. We especially enjoyed listening to the world book day songs and creating some book themed bunting for our class book shelves. We enjoyed sharing our character spoons and had such a creative range of different of book characters that we dressed up as too.
We enjoyed sharing lots of books together over World Book Day. One of our current favourites is 'The Journey' by Francesca Sanna, Her story is about the plight of refugees and some of the incredible hurdles they face. We shared the book and then linked it to the rights of children. It was amazing how many of our rights we found in just this one story.
World Book Day was the highlight of our week this week! The children had an amazing day and fully embraced the various fun activites that we had planned for them to enjoy - the book themed treasure hunt was a particular favourite! We were super impressed with the fantastic costumes which appeared one after the other, from Sponge Bob Square Pants to Gangster Granny. The children loved making wooden spoon book characters and also created brilliant design for next year's book tokens.
A fantastic World Book Day was had by 4JP too! Lots of us dressed up - we loved looking at all the other costumes around the school too and trying to guess which book they were from. Mrs Purdom was very impressed with our spoon homework. How many book characters can you spot here?
We really enjoyed using our spoon characters to create puppet shows. It was funny to put different characters together in a story. We had an Oompa Loompa and Gnasher saving the Lost Kitten in one performance!
We also designed book tokens and took part in the school treasure hunt. Doing this, and looking at the staff 'shelfies', gave us some ideas for new books we could read. And that's what the day was all about! Here we are, enjoying an extra long cosy read. Wonderful.
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