Friday 18th March 2022

It's been a really busy week in Year 4, ending with a fun-filled day for Comic Relief.


This week, we learnt all about the Yanomami tribe who live in the Amazon rainforest. We did some research to find out how they live, what food they eat, what their homes are like and what they do in their leisure time. We also found out about the threats they face - like deforestation and mining for gold.

We have also been working hard on fractions over the last two weeks. We have learnt more equivalent fractions and now know how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. We think that using different models really helps us to understand - we are getting much more confident now!

It was our turn in the woods on Wednesday. The first thing we noticed were the spring flowers that have grown since we were last there. We saw crocuses and daffodils and also spotted the wild garlic just beginning to show. Our task this week was a bug hunt. We had great fun trying to find the little creatures that live in our woodland habitat. The more we looked, the more we found! 


We so love our animals in 4JD, so we are finding our Habitats topic so much fun.  This week we found out all about the different animal groups you can use to classify different creatures.

We created these fabulous pieces of work about five vertebrate groups and one inverterbrate group. Do you know which group is the invertebrates? As well as creating these great animal sketches, we classified each creature and stated our proof of how we knew each particular animal belonged in that category.

Comic Relief

We have been looking forward to Red Nose day all week. We have been buying noses to wear today, practising jokes for our joke competition and baking cakes for our bake sales. The day was filled with fun activities and we had a big assembly with Mrs Farrell. We donated our money and talked about how it would help people across the world live without poverty, violence or discrimination. This year, some of our money will help organisations who are supporting the people of Ukraine.

Thank you all for your generous donations - we will let you know the whole school total next week. Brilliant effort everyone!

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