Friday 6th May 2022
Last week we finished our learning around Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The children's last piece of work was particularly impressive. They started by imagining that they were botantists, taking notes and making observational drawings of the magical flower discovered in the woods and used by the fairies to cast spells. Then they wrote a mini report about it so that everyone will know about this newly discovered plant! All their hard work paid off as the reports make interesting reading. Some of this writing shows incredible progress too! Have a look for yourself:
This week we have started our new English topic all about the Iron Man. The children loved listening to the beginning of the story and drawing their own pictures of the Iron Man based on Ted Hughes's wonderfuly descriptions. We think the children's descriptions are pretty good too! Have a look:
We have had great fun with our Literacy and forest school session, based on the Shakespearean play of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream,' in 4JD this week. We have been thinking about the references to native British plants in Shakespeare's plays and so we started off by identifying common plants in our woods and doing some sketches.
Then we made some comfy beds for our beautful Titania peg dolls that we created. We found sheltered spots and collected natural objects to make sure she was comfortable in her slumber. Someone even created a four poster bed!
We used our sketches and previous botanical work to create a report about our very own magical plant, (like the one that is used on Titania to make her sleep and then fall in love with the actor, Bottom!) Our magical plants had amazing qualities ranging from invisibility to the ability to speak with animals. Take a peek at our fabulous reports.
In 4CW we have started reading the Iron Man too. We enjoyed studying the similes and metaphors used by Ted Hughes in his first chapter. Here is a selection so some of our work.
We are really pleased with our finished flower reports too. We presented them in our best handwriting to make a lovely display.
Four members of 4JP celebrated Eid with their families this week. On Tuesday, one of them turned teacher (move over Mrs Purdom!) to tell us all about it. The presentation was absolutely brilliant and incorporated facts about Eid and some practical activities and games too.
The first thing we talked about was 'What is Eid?' We learnt about Eidiyah (money that is given as a gift) and also about the importance of prayer.
She also showed us her favourite way to wear a hijab. All of teh childen who celebrated this week had been given new clothes to wear for thsi special occasion.
She also told us about the different foods that are eaten and about a special meal that she shared with her family - her mum made lots of desserts. We were so lucky that she made us some cookies too. They were delicious. Mrs Purdom got a box to take home to her family - also delicious!
Spending time and having fun with family and friends is a huge part of of the Eid celebration and we got to do that too. We played Heads Down Thumbs Up, Hangman and Pass the Parcel. The afternoon was finished off with a treasure hunt and we all got a lolly bag. We loved it!
We woudl like to say a huge thank you for sharing your celebration with us.
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