Friday 13th May 2022
It's been another busy week in our world! We have been working on writing and ordering decimals, using possessive pronouns, listening to The Iron Man, making food chains, reading 4-figure grid references from OS maps, honing our tennis skills and learning yoga poses as well as the following.......
As part of our geography topic – Contrasting Localities – we have been learning about Sheffield and Scarborough, and comparing the two places. In our art lesson this week, we have looked at a range of seascape paintings through the ages, to fit with our topic work. We have looked at artworks by Monet, Rembrandt, Turner, Hokusai and Renoir, to name but a few. We’ve discussed the paintings in detail - considering line, shape, space, contrast and mood - as well as giving our own opinions about them. Each painting was very different from the next, even though they are all seascapes, and we enjoyed observing their differences. Finally, we chose our favourite painting and had a go at recreating it! They’re not finished yet but we’ve made a fantastic start, don’t you think?
We have completed our flower prints this week and we are really pleased with our results. These flowers were based on the magic flower that may have been used in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' We have hung them on the washing line and they are making a very nice display.
We have also been minibeast hunting in the woods this week. We picked the wettest day, which was good as there were lots of worms to find. Once we had captured a a minibeast, we looked at it carefully under the magnifying glass and used the identification sheet to work out what it was. Even though it was raining, we didn't notice as we were so busy searching under leaves and logs.
We have enjoyed listening to the first chapter of 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We loved the description of him on the first page and we felt sad when he fell over the cliff. It was funny when the eye and the hand started to put the Iron Man's body back together again. We are intrigued to find out what happens next.
Chris Mould made the beautiful illustrations in our picture book. We watched a film where he showed us how to draw the Iron Man. We had a go at making our own watercolour illustrations - we think we did a pretty good job!
The sun was shining this afternoon so we went outside for the last half hour of the day to play a game of rounders - with a difference. This game is called tunnel rounders and it is played with a football. The runner kicks the ball and the fielding team have to catch it and make a tunnel with their legs. The runner has to make it around all the posts before the ball reaches the end of the tunnel to score a rounder. It was a very tight game and we realised that our class are VERY competitive!
It seems that 4JP are good at jigsaws too. We started with 200 pieces, then 300 and now, we are challenging ourselves with a 500 piece one! Mrs Purdom is always on the lookout for new puzzles but we thought we would put a plea on here too. If you have any at home that you would like to donate or if you see any in charity shops that could be added to our collection, they would be gratefully received. Thank you.
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