Friday 15th July
We have had such a busy week in Year 4.
As well as a FABULOUS performance poetry workshop from Jackson at AS Creatives, we have also written sea myths, looked at famous seascapes in art, worked on statistics in maths and started to plan, design and make lighthouses with actual electrical circuits. Phew!
The importance of pupil voice
We would like to share with you a real success from our recent puffin campaign. As you know, we wrote letters to various government officials in the UK and abroad detailing why we are concerned about the decline of the Atlantic puffin. We were absolutely thrilled when Mrs Drury received an email reply from DEFRA, answering many of our questions.
The letter ended like this:
"It is wonderful to see young people care so much about the environment and we hope they continue to develop their interest in these important issues in the future."
We were also very excited to receive our puffin adoption packs this week. Each class has adopted a real life puffin as part of our fundraising efforts. We got a certificate which tells us our puffin number and the special letters that are on a ring around our puffin's leg. We also got a cute little cuddly puffin which we named using their letters.
4JD with Waddle
4JP with Tugg
We will be taking our cuddly friends with us into our new classes and we are looking forward to getting regular updates from our real life adopted puffins throughout the year. Watch this space!
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