Year 5 are Star Bakers!

This week in year 5 we completed our DT topic all about bread. Our topic began with a discussion about all the different types of bread that are eaten around the world to highlight what an important food source bread is for many people. We then learned how to make a simple plain white bread roll. The children were encouraged to shape their dough into a design of their choice. The results were incredible! There were plaits, baguettes, bagels, swirls and many more. As our next part of the topic was going to involve the design of a new flavoured bread, we then had a bread tasting session to discover which flavours they liked. This was a very popular part of the topic; the children tasted about 15 different types of bread! After that, they designed their own flavoured bread adding ingredients of their choice to the basic bread recipe. This week all the children made their designer bread, then tasted and evaluated it. The bread they made smelled amazing and apparently tasted great too. Well done year 5. You truly were star bakers!

Many, many thanks to all the parents who helped out with these sessions. We really appreciated it.

The Year 5 Team

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