Friday 26th March
We have been using PowerPoint to create interactive quizzes. We used text boxes to write our questions and multiple choice answers and then inserted actions so that when the player clicks on an answer, it will say Correct! or Incorrect! We chose our own topics to make a quiz about and used pictures, colours and sounds to make our quiz even more fun!
In music, we are doing Dancing in the Street. We started off by learning the words to help with the notes. We have a piece of music between two of us and the letters are written out for us. We have a backing track on the computer that we play along to using the notes A, G, F and D. We are having a lot of fun and we love playing the xylophones!
In Y5NL this week, we have been planning our Islamic Buildings art work. First, we did some research and collected pictures to give us ideas. Then, we used these images to make mood boards. We cut out the pictures we liked and then tried out drawing and colour ideas. We will be creating the final art work next week — watch this space!
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