Friday 16th July

This week, Y5EC have been isolating and doing lessons over Zoom. Even though we couldn't be in school together, we have still had lots of fun.

On Monday, we did some investigating and estimated the capacity of containers that we found around the house, including a watering can, a Pokeball and a tiny bath! We recorded our estimates and the actual capacity in a table and saw how our estimates improved.

On Thursday, it was Pirate Day and we all dressed up as pirates and learnt about things like what pirates ate, how a cannon worked, and even saw some surgical equipment. Out at sea there wouldn't be any pain killers so pirates drank rum instead. They also didn't know about germs so a lot of pirates died from infections. It was really interesting!

We are looking forward to being back at school for our last few days of Year 5!

Y5NL have also been working at home this week and we have been very busy. During the week we have: learned about volume and capacity; planned, written and edited scary pirate stories; made pirate ships; done some fun PE activities; and read lots of our class novel. Today (Friday) we joined in with the pirate day at school with BB, via Zoom, and also did lots of our own pirate activities. Some of us dressed up as pirates for the day as you can see! 

Like Y5EC, we are really looking forward to coming back to school for the last day of year 5. 


In Y5BB and WR, we have really enjoyed Pirate Day. We learned so much about life on board a pirate ship and were able to take part in many activities to help us to understand how pirates lived. In 5BB, we found that we were not very good smugglers (we kept dropping the jewel we were smuggling). However, we did find that Lolia was an excellent surgeon after she performed pirate surgery, using the equipment pirates would have used, on Ruby. 

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