Friday 17th September 2021
We have had another busy week in Y5. On Tuesday, we had our first year group assembly of the year - the first one since March 2020! It was great to all be together and to celebrate our stars of the week.
We have really enjoyed our work in English in Y5N/C this week. We have been coming up with similes, metaphors, personification and expanded noun phrases to describe the inside of an ancient Egyptian tomb! We had to think about all our senses to try and help our reader to imagine what it would be like. On Thursday, we used all our ideas to write a setting description and we are really proud of our first piece of Y5 writing!
On Friday, we went into the forest and did a scavenger hunt! We found all sorts of different things including a feather and some blackberries.
In Y5NL this week, we shared our ancient Egyptian research homework. We set up a mini museum in our classroom and had to look around and write down at least 4 new things that we found out. It was really interesting seeing what everyone had done and we all learned a lot. One thing we found out was that the ancient Egyptians believed that make up would protect them. However, it was sometimes made from copper and lead, so was really bad for them!
In Y5BB, we have had lots of fun this week and found ourselves doing lots of interactive learning. We did this in maths by playing the place value dustbin game, we all had lots of fun and enjoyed cheering when the number 9 came out! The children loved comparing the numbers they had made with each other. We have also been playing classic games to practise our times tables such as dominoes and bingo. On Friday afternoon, we finished off our hands-on week by placing historical events in a chronological order so we could understand the influence the Ancient Egyptians had on the rest of history. See if you can spot yourself in our pictures!
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