Friday 15th October, 2021.

REMINDER - next Thursday (21.10.21) is our 'Ancient Egyptian Day' in Year 5. This will be a special day of activities and you are invited to dress up as an ancient Egyptian character if you would like to. 

Here is a link to some simple costume ideas.

This week in our Y5 maths lessons, we have been learning about statistics and different ways of presenting data. In Y5NL, we worked in groups to interpret line graphs and to write down as much information as we could. We then presented our ideas to the class. 

In Y5NL, we have also been designing and making our own ancient Egyptian canopic jars, using clay. We found out how to use slip - clay and water - as a kind of glue to stick the pieces together. Real canopic jars were used for the internal organs of bodies of mummies. We won't be using ours for that! We need to leave them to dry and then we will paint them next week. Look out for pictures of the finished ones next week!

On Friday, Y5N/C went in the forest area and made sculptures inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy. He uses natural objects (such as leaves, sticsk and pebbles) to create his natural sculptures. We really enjoyed making our own versions!

In Y5BB, we had lots of fun this week working in groups interpreting our line graphs. We all picked a group to work with and interpreted our line graphs. We found out that a line graph shows continuous date (how something changes over time) and were even able to think of some real life examples.


We also had lots of fun in the woods creating art work. We used Andy Goldsworthy as our inspiration and made some of our own. See if you can spot yours below.









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