Friday 5th November
Welcome back to our second half term of year 5. We are looking forward to lots of learning and fun together. Our topic this half term is Spain - don't forget to bring in your research homework to share with your class.
It has been a very exciting first week back, with lots of people campaigning to represent their classes on the RRS Council. The voting is taking place today (Friday) and the results will be announced next week. Good luck to everyone who is standing in the election.
This half term, Y5NL are lucky enough to be having outdoor PE sessions (football) with Mr Wright. Today we were learning some basic skills and playing some fun games. We learnt about dribbling and how you need to keep the ball close to your body. We also learnt about shielding and how to stop your opponents taking your ball.
In Year 5BB, many of the children have been campaigning for our RRS council. The children made posters, leaflets and even presentations for the rest of our class. They were all very encouraging to each other ; the class (and Mr Bradshaw!) said they didn't know who to vote for. We are very proud of you all!
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