Friday 17th December 2021

On Tuesday this week, Y5NC and Y5WR finished our Dragons' Den project by delivering our pitches to the dragons(Miss Nicholson and Mrs Webb)! Some people were very nervous but everyone did a fantastic job and there were some very creative ideas, including: a bookmark that reads to you, a chewable pen, a virtual reality headset for exercising at home, a 2-in-1 games console, and even a car for your pets!

The dragons said, "We were both so impressed by the children's ideas. They really thought outside the box and used statistics and slogans to convince us to choose them. We could have given EVERY group a prize so it was a very difficult decision."

Here are the winners from each class:

Y5NL also pitched their Dragons' Den project ideas this week - to Mrs Loosley and Ms Kania. There were some amazing ideas: incredibly useful dog robots; a chocolate-making machine; go-karts you could ride to school; an app to design clothes and accessories; and many, many more! It was a difficult choice for the Dragons but the winners were ... Choco Kraze! Well done to everyone for their fantastic ideas and very persuasive pitches. 

Tapas tasting.

On the 16th of December, to round off our topic about Spain, we had an afternoon of Tapas tasting. The teachers got the food ready for us and we had: manchego cheese, artichoke hearts, chorizo, olives, spanish omlette, peppers, melon and churros. We wrote down if it was gusto (nice)or disgusto (not very nice). We had a drink that was a mix of lemonade,cranberry juice and orange juice. 

Daniel and Sophia (Y5NL)

What a great end to our first term in Year 5! We hope that everyone has a very happy and healthy holiday and look forward to seeing you back at school in January. 


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