Friday 7th January, 2022.

Welcome back everyone and happy new year. We are looking forward to an exciting half term of learning and fun. 

All the year 5 classes have been thinking about Article 31 this week: 'every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of activities'. Before Christmas, Mr Jones asked us to think about playtimes and how we could make them more fun and fair for everyone. We started with some class discussions of what we like or don't like about playtimes. We then worked in small groups to think of ways that playtimes could be improved. We recorded our ideas to share with Mr Jones. 

We are looking forward to our residential visit to York at the end of this month (31.1.22 - 1.2.22). Mrs Loosley will be holding a Zoom meeting next Tuesday (11.1.22), at 4:30pm, to share information with parents. This information will also be sent out via email. 

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