Friday 25th February, 2022

Welcome back to the fourth half term of Year 5. We have lots of exciting learning planned. 

REMINDER - you must bring a coat to school! The weather is cold and wet at the moment; we don't want you to be cold and wet too.

Next week, on Thursday 3rd March, we will be celebrating World Book Day. You are invited to dress up as a favourite book character and you can also bring a pillow, cushion or blanket for a 'cosy read'. You might also want to bring in a favourite book to share with your class. 


In Y5NL this week, we have been reading a poem called The Highwayman, written by a poet named Alfred Noyes. After listenening to Mrs Loosley reading it, we wrote down our ideas about what the poem was about and then watched an animation of the story. After that, we had to put the different parts of the story into the right order. 

This is the Highwayman story:

many years ago, there was a highwayman who travelled far and wide to an old inn. He whistled at the window and a beautful girl, called Bess, came to the open casement and tied a love knot in her hair. However,Tim the Ostler was listening in the shadows. He was very jealous. The Highwayman said to sweet Bess that he would be back by moonlight.Then, they kissed goodbye and off he went.

The next day, King George's men came to the door of the inn and drank all of the ale, without saying a word. Then they marched upstairs to Bess' room.They gagged her and tied her up, before placing a musket at her chest.

'Tlip tlop,clip clop.' It was The Highwayman - he was back. At that moment, Bess managed to get her finger on the trigger. At least that was hers. She drew one last breath and BANG! The highwayman raced away like lightning.

The next morning he got hit in the heart as he realised it was Bess who was shot last night. Like a mad man, he bolted back - just to be shot himself. People say that the ghosts of The Highwayman and Bess still haunt the inn even now.

Written by Cass and Ciara.







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