Friday 22nd April.
We had an egg-citing start to our third term in Year 5, with the famous Lydgate Junior School decorated egg competition. Let us egg-splain - we could hard boil the egg or blow the yolk out to make a beautiful egg display that would later be put on show in the hall. We enjoyed looking at all the competition entries and were very impressed by the hard work people had put in.
There were lots of amazing shoeboxes with tons of different designs. It was really fun to make the projects over the Easter holidays. Well done to everyone who participated and a big round of applause for the winners!
By Jacob and Lulah (Y5NL)
The kids had a great morning on Tuesday making up their own games using a huge variety of kit. They worked brilliantly as a class and shared their games with each other. Great weather for a fabulous first day back. We all had so much fun. There was even a pigeon which flew into the hall whilst we were outside which added to the excitement of the morning!
Great to have you back at school Y5WR! Looking forward to a summer making memories with you.
In Y5BB, we have had a fantastic start to the summer term. The children have worked so hard and produced some fantastic cinquain poems and haikus based on our topic of water. We also enjoyed making our water collages in art this afternoon - the finished products looked amazing!
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