Friday 6th May, 2022
We had a very special day in Y5 this week to celebrate the festival of Eid. The teachers, and a group of lovely parents, have been working hard for weeks to prepare the day and it was a great success.
We started the day with a presentation from Mr Guljar (an ex-parent) about his charity work. We also supported this charity by bringing in clothes that we no longer need, which will be sent to help refugees in other countries. We then had a carousel of activites during the day: writing our names in Arabic; icing Eid biscuits; learning some Arabic letters and phrases; having our hands decorated with henna; finding our about Eid and how it is celebrated; plus making Eid crowns, lanterns and crescent moons.
We finished the day with an incredible Eid feast, trying a variety of delicious foods from different countries which were prepared by our team of parents. Here are some quotes from the children about this fantastic day.
'I really liked the feast: my favourite food was the spring rolls!' Max Y5NL.
'My favourite thing were the henna tattoos - my 2 designs were my name and a flower' Felix Y5NL
'One the things I really liked was painting my Arabic name: it was really fun finding out what it looked like.' Rosie Y5NL
'My favourite part was the food and the henna tattoo.'
Eleanor 5BB
"I loved all the food! My favourite activity was making the crown." Abbas 5BB
"I enjoyed learning Arabic and trying new foods." - Amelia Y5WR
"I liked the food and making cookies and the Arabic lesson. It was so fun!" - Art Y5WR
"Talking to Mr Gooljar was incredible!" - Isla
"I really liked getting henna done and doing all the craft activities. I had a great time." - Martha Y5NC
"I LOVED the spring rolls!!" - Jack Y5NC
"I loved learning to write by name in Arabic." - Heidi Y5NC
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