Friday 13th May, 2022

This week in Y5NL, we have been learning about The Great Sheffield Flood. 

The Great Sheffield Flood happened on the 11th of May, 1864. At approximately 12 o'clock at night, the Dale Dyke Dam burst and a 50ft high wall of water came cascading down upon Sheffield. It was like Niagra Falls pouring over Sheffield for 9 seconds. A workman, Wiliam Horsefield, saw the crack at half past five in the afternoon. He called engineer Gunson out to look but they didn't believe that it would break, so they didn't warn anyone. When they realised that it was going to break, it was too late. All 26 water wheels on the River Loxley were damaged or destroyed and 250 people lost their lives. Bodies were found sliced in half and some were swept down the river, all the way to Doncaster. People all the way from London came to look at the destruction.

We worked in groups and made short dramas about The Great Sheffield Flood. We had different scenarios of people's experiences. There were some amazing stories of people surviving but also sad stories of people dying. We acted our dramas out to the class. 

Written by Charlie and Rhys. 

For our DT work this half term, Year 5 have been designing and making water-inspired cushions. We have cut out tissue paper pattern pieces and used them to cut fabric to the right shape. The next step is using Bondaweb (like double-sided tape for fabric!) to stick the fabric to the cushion.

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