Friday 8th July 2022
On Wednesday, we got to release our butterflies. We watched them for weeks as they developed from caterpillars to cocoons and finally emerged as butterflies. It was sad seeing them go but it was also happy because they will get to enjoy their life in the wild. We named the butterflies: Thing, Blag, Summer, Spot, Princess Rainbow Buttercup, Waluigi, Bobacus, Shrek, Chungus and Jeffery. Thing wouldn't come out so Miss Cunningham had to get him out and put him by some flowers.
By Millie and Isla, Y5NC
Y5NL also released their butterlifes this week. When we first got them, we also looked closley at their life cycle and how they developed. It was exciting to see them followng the life cycle in real life. We had to feed them fruit when they were fully grown. When we released them, they were resistant to go but eventually they climed onto our hands and they flew away. It was really fun.
By Mira and Rosie.
In Y5BB, we have been creating mood boards in art for our topic of water so we are ready to create our pictures of water carriers. A mood board is an experimental sheet that we use in art. It is used to test different colours from oil pastel paintings. We did it so that we could get some ideas for our real art work. It is linked to our water topic because a lot of the pictures we use contain water images. We studied three different artists who created the pictures from Africa. They did these pictures so that they could show that Africa (which is where the images came from) is actually a happy place for people. We all enjoyed this amazing lesson and we want to do this again. However, we have a better lesson next week (we hope) and we are very excited. This was a fantastic lesson to finish the week off.
Arin and Leon
In Y5BB, we have been doing drama to show the four different ways of erosion including hydrolic action, abrasion, attrition and solution. We had lots of fun showing how the rocks collide into each other and got to show this in creative way!
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