Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to Year 6 at Lydgate Junior School. There are 120 of us and our teachers are: Mrs Shaw (Y6VS); Mrs Rougvie and Mrs Jones (Y6R/J); Mrs Holden and Mrs Watkinson (Y6H/W); and Mrs Hopkins (Y6HH). We are very lucky to be helped by our TAs: Mrs Hill, Mr Gartrell, Mr Bartholomew, Mr Swain and Miss Smith. What a team!
On PE days, the children are to come to school in their PE kit (white t-shirt; black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms; trainers; and a school sweatshirt). The PE days for Year 6 will be as follows:
Y6HH- Tuesday and Thursday
Y6R/J – Tuesday and Wednesday
Y6VS - Wednesday and Thursday
Y6H/W – Monday and Tuesday
Homework (SPaG, reading and maths) will be set on a Wednesday and is to be returned the following Wednesday. Also, we would like all children to read at least three times a week, which they can record in their homework diaries (if they wish to). Children should record each book they read in the class reading record. All of the Year 6 teachers love reading and want to share this love with the children. We are always keen to share recommendations if your child is looking for a new book to read.
Having our own woodland area means that we are able to take some of our learning outside. When we head to the woods do make sure that you are dressed for the forecast that day - we go out in all weathers! Don't forget a mug for hot chocolate too.
You can download our current Curriculum Overview here.
You can download our Autumn Curriculum Overview here.