Friday 29th January
In Year 6 this week, we have started thinking about microorganisms and whether they are helpful or harmful. We are investigating which are the best conditions for mould to grow, so that we know how to keep our bread fresh. The Blue 6SW bubble have left a slice of bread in 4 different places with in the classroom (one by the heater, one on the damp sink, one by the interactive whiteboard and one in our cold store cupboard- known as ‘Narnia’). We have predicted that the bread by the heater will go mouldy first.
Our fictional road trips around North America are becoming more exciting and we have spent time choosing very luxurious accommodation. Next week we will be estimating how much a dream trip like this might cost. Hopefully these lessons will have helped us to gain an understanding for the effort involved with booking such trips, appreciation for the cost also and helped our understanding of North America. Whilst also improving our online research skills. The Year 6s have really impressed us with this.
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