Friday 5th February

It has been another interesting and busy week in Year 6. We hope you all enjoyed the snow day on Tuesday and that you managed to get out and play in the snow. The bubbles in school did and made a great snowman called Mr McSnowy. 

The Blue Bubble would like to keep you updated as to an exciting new link we have started with a school in Gambia. A helpful member of our Crosspool community, Janet Stain,  is desperately collecting for the Nyofelleh community (hospital and school) and she has kindly put us in contact with a school in Nyofelleh. So during our ICT lesson, the 6SW Blue bubble have emailed a class of children at the school on behalf of all our children, so that we can begin to link up and develop communications. Hopefully we can learn from one another and build useful and empathetic relationships, whilst learning about a contrasting locality also.

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