World Book Day
We have worked really hard again in year 6 this week, whether in school or at home but hopefully everyone is feeling really positive about being back in full classes again on Monday.
World book Day went well, and even though we chose not to dress up as characters from books in school this year, it was lovely to see everyone in their classes or via zoom wearing their special World Book Day hat creations. Here are a few examples from the blue bubble.
We particularly enjoyed identifying masked members of the staff team by listening to them reading sections from their favourite Children’s books. We also enjoyed designing our own book covers for our shared reading book Room 13.
It was fantastic seeing some of the amazing book-themed hats that children at home had made as well. In 6RJ, special mention should go to Sam for his Treasure Island, Immi for her beautifully hand-painted hat, Eva for her paper-craft skills, Thomas for his very shiny Percy Jackson creation, Archie for the biggest Cat in the Hat and Alexander for his many cleverly thought-out Gangsta Granny props!
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