Friday 7th May 2021

Yesterday, on Thursday 6th May, 6SW marched outside of the school grounds to raise awareness for us all to reduce our use of single-use plastics (like plastic bottles, bags and masks.) Many of you will have seen and/or heard us as we chanted loudly and proudly. It was great to hear positive feedback from parents and passers-by and even some teenagers were joining in and chanting along with us. It was a fantastic atmosphere and we certainly made our teachers proud. Thanks to Mr Gartrell also for his fantastic lyrics and enthusiasm.

As ‘Plastic Clever Schools’ is our whole school RRS theme, we are really looking forward to see and hearing about how each class takes action to becoming more plastic clever. 6SW are delighted that we are one- step closer to becoming a Plastic Clever School and that we are helping to raise awareness for fundamental environmental issues also.



In year 6HN we have learning about the human body (in Science), revising fractions (in Maths) and continuing our work on explanation texts (in English). In Topic, we have been learning about the risks and effects of Tabaco, alcohol and other drugs. We have recently learnt that we are going to walk the distance to Edale in order to raise money for our short trip there. We hope you will sponsor us when you receive the sponsorship details later this term. In book study, we have started a new book called Brightstorm. Even though we have only read one chapter, the whole class finds it very interesting.


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