HN's Den Day


This week we have been learning and writing about volcanoes. We have been writing a piece on volcanoes, and how they are formed. We write about the lithostatic pressure and magma static pressure, also why volcanoes erupt. We learnt the three main volcano types which are: shield volcanoes; cinder cone volcanoes; and stratovolcanoes.


We also did fraction art where we got circles cut them up and may pictures. This was very fun to do as you could create patterns or pictures of anything.


This week we have also been doing the daily mile (8 laps around the school or 1.6km) this has been to raise money for the transport to Edale. We are walking 15 miles (24km) this is the same as the distance to Edale.


We did forest schools on Thursday with an expert called Rowan. We made dens and pizza pockets which are a pitta bread with pizza toppings inside. We toasted marshmallows and then we judge the dens that the teams made, bluebell camp came first, next came the holy circus then finally sister squirrels. We also were taught how to use many tools.   


Seb R & Eli 


Y6HN Blog Week 6

This week in Y6 we have been writing up our volcano explanations and learning how to make fractions in to patterns in maths with Mr King and even had a whole day in the woods. On Tuesday we had a supply teacher called Mr King who can also play the guitar. He taught us the Ying Tong song and the ‘one meatball’ song. We have been doing the daily mile [1.6km] everyday which is 8 laps around the school. On Thursday we had a whole day in the woods with a woods expert called Rowan. In forest school he taught us how to build amazing dens, how to use the billhook and called me [Alfie] the billhook king, we used potato peelers to sharpen sticks so we could use them to toast marshmallows and eat them, we collected wild garlic and put it with ketchup and cheese in pita bread [pizza pockets] and made dreamcatchers. Today [Friday] we are going to have a class treat and watch a film called The Borrowers.

Seb R & Alfie 

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