Bikeability, Black holes and Brilliance in Y6
Many of our Year 6s have really benefited this week from the Bikeability sessions, which have helped to teach practical cycling skills and has given them the understanding and expertise they need to ride their bikes on the road. The sessions were safe and enjoyable. Well done Y6s!
We also started a piece of creative writing based on a clip, The Black Hole by the Literacy Shed:
Whereby a seemingly bored character feels fed up with his dull existence, and his life is changed for ever when the photocopier in work churns out a portable black hole. We have used this creative idea to develop our descriptive writing skills and we’ve been delighted with our first drafts which we will continue to improve next week. Alex, in 6SW wrote a particularly great short story which he may even share with us next week.
In 6RJ, we have enjoyed learning about the reasons for the outbreak of WW2 and discussing which were th key events during the war. Betty made a wonderful model of an Anderson shelter for her homework, complete with real grass. Many other people chose to make great research posters, including finding out about relatives who served during the war. In our music lessons we have started learning to play 'Little Brown Jug' on the xylophone by Glenn Miller.
6RJ have also been very inventive in writing our descriptions of how we would use our black holes. Some people entered zoos, saved others from burining buildings, escaped from aircraft or even used them to meet Father Christmas (even though it still is only September!)
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