Y6 Stars of the week

Well done to last week's Year 6 Stars of the week. 

We have had another exciting and busy week in Year 6. In maths we have been exploring properties of numbers such as whether they are prime numbers, composite numbers, prime factors and square numbers. We have also started to show written methods for addition.

Our 'Black Hole' short stories are really coming along. Alex from 6SW has written a brilliant example:

Like a black hole camouflaged against the vast eternity of space, the unusual sheet of paper stared back at me like a huge ominous eye. Cautiously, I placed the hole on the wall, against a poster of WWII. With an exhilarating sense of adrenaline rushing through my blood stream, I dived into the black hole…

The first thing I could sense were strange noises, then a tingling sensation, then the smell… Gunpowder. Smoke. Death.




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