Autumn 2 Week 1: 5th November

It has been an extremely busy and enjoyable week in Year 6. We have all enjoyed the Scootfit sessions. Scooting uses the same large muscle groups as running but is much more fun. Scoot Fit reduces stress on the bones and joints making movement easier, more comfortable and more sustainable than running.

Scoot Fit can be regarded as a core activity helping develop and improve agility, balance, co-ordination, muscle strength and endurance greatly benefiting any other sporting activity. It was great to see everyone scooting to music on the top yard, learning skills whilst having fun. 

We also started the week reminding ourselves of the setting of Macbeth, as we went in the woods to recreate the mysterious Scottish Heath scene from the Shakespearean play. This was a fantastic session and has inspired us to produce some effective setting descriptions with atmosphere.

Other important issues we have discussed this week in 6SW  and some of the other Y6 classes include the COP26 meetings: ‘Uniting the world to reduce climate change’, which is something we will discuss further in our RRS lessons, Bonfire Night (Please have fun but stay safe everyone!), and also ‘Happy Diwali’ to those of our families and friends who are celebrating the 5-day festival of light.

Finally, thank you to all the brave Year 6's who took time to campaign in our RRS Rep Elections. Many of us prepared PowerPoint Presentations and/or posters to help to persuade others to vote for us. Then each of us were given the opportunity to vote discreetly using an official ballot box with screens. We will announce who our successful RRS reps are next week, once the votes have been counted. As a democracy, they were rightfully chosen by their class and the successful Reps should therefore feel very proud of themselves. We look forward to their support with RRS in class and during school RRS meetings this year.

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