Friday 12th of November


This week in English we have been writing Shakespearian letters to the three witches in Macbeth. This has been very fun and interesting to learn about a new style of writing that all of us have enjoyed.


In P.E. we have started our new topics of dance and rugby. To fit in with our WW2 topic we have been learning dances such as the Charleston and the Lambeth walk.


This week in I.C.T we have been making games on scratch about E-safety. We have been choosing our backdrops and downloading it to scratch. It has been very fun


Last week in art we finished our propaganda posters, we think they look fantastic. This week, we started drawing our Whole School Art based on endangered species of animals. HN are doing lemurs. We were able to use oil pastels, chalk and charcoal. We have been really enjoying it!

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