Gender Stereotypes
Another busy week has flown by in Y6; we have been busy bees as always. In RHE we have been looking at gender equality. The children very much enjoyed discussing a broad range of stereotypes before focusing on gender. The children were asked which stereotypes they were aware of – they suggested a wide range. They were then shown some different children’s toys (and their adverts) and asked which they have received before – this made the children realise that there is gender bias in toys.
Later in the lesson, children were given eight pre-2000s Disney characters and asked to sort them into powerful/heroic and vulnerable. They were surprised to see all the vulnerable characters were female. We repeated the activity for post-2000s characters and noted that Disney now create both male and female characters that have strengths and vulnerabilities. The children agreed this was much more realistic.
Have a look at some of the photos below, see if you agree with the children. Is there anything else you notice?
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