Another busy week in Y6
It’s been another busy week in year 6. Lunch time clubs, after school clubs, athletics competitions, and lots of learning.
This week we have been writing our suspense stories. We discussed our audience – children roughly between 10 and 12 years old and the purpose - to be thrilled and excited. The children analysed and discussed what makes a story suspenseful. Most then decided to set their stories in remote, isolated woods or lakesides and add an unknown threat. We can’t wait to see what the children have come up with and be thrilled and chilled in equal measure.
In topic we have been mapping mountains and finding out about how they are made. Alongside this, we have continued with our book study – Everest. This follows the trials and tribulations of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay as they conquered Everest for the first time (sorry kids – spoiler alert – they did it!).
Next week is assessment week. It is another chance to measure progress and for children to practise their SATs skills.
Have a great week guys – good luck.
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