Lydgate Junior School raises money and awareness for Comic Relief
As Year 6s, we have spent today completing a few Red Nose Day activities to raise money to help people live free from poverty, violence and discrimination.
The day started well, with many of us wearing something 'funny for money' and wearing our plastic-friendly red noses with pride. Thanks for the cake contributions which were thoroughly enjoyed at break time.
Our classes laughed throughout joke competitions and the winning joke from each class was entered in to a judging session at lunch time. This was the winning joke by Jacob in 6HN. It went something like this...
"My friend told me that he went to the woods and had seen a lizard standing on his back legs, so I said that’s not a lizard... it’s a stand-up chameleon!” :)
It was nice to see the Y5s and Y6s back together in the hall for Mrs Farrell's comic relief assembly. The joke competition winners bravely shared their jokes with us all and recieved a joke book as a prize.
Thank you for all your support. Hopefully lots of fun was had by all and we had some light relief from these unprecedented times.
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