Fun in the sun
It's been a great week in Y6. Although everyone has been working hard in the mornings doing our mock SATs assessments, we've been able to get out and enjoy the sunshine in the afternoons. This week, each class went on a geography walk around the local area. We were practising following an Ordance Survey map and taking bearings with a navigational compass.
Before we left school, we had a practice using the compass to find a bearing. It turned out it was easy to practise but quite a bit harder to do in real life. Luckily, our navigational skills were helped by the fact that we know the local area really well and we all managed to successfully walk to Carver Fields.
On the way, we had a quiz to complete that tested our powers of observation. There were various animals, colours, flowers and plants and even a helter skelter hedge to spot.
Once we arrived at Carver Fields, we used iPads to take photos of the view and everyone did their own sketch of what they could see. Back at school, we have turned these into our own maps of that part of the Rivelin Valley.
Here is a photo of 6RJ enjoying a well-earned rest in the glorious sunshine.
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