Friday 6th May - Well done Year 6s

This week, the Year 6s have worked especially hard consolidating their understanding of many topics in preparation for next week’s SATs week. But we have also had the usual fun and varied curriculum which has involved: cricket/rounders, treasure hunts, planning for climate change and ways to support endangered species, we learnt about the human body and the vital role our hearts play, and how charities pull together to support other countries in times of need.

We have so much to be grateful for and the Y6 teachers feel so proud of all the Year 6s. We know that they will ‘show what they know’ next week and it will continue to be another enjoyable week.  6SW will hopefully be having forest school’s session on Thursday afternoon and we are arranging other rewarding activities for each class.




Reminder: We are starting a new DT topic, therefore it would be great if the year 6s could bring with them empty clean yoghurt pots and cardboard next week. Thanks.


Wishing you all a happy and relaxing weekend.

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