Woods & Cricket

This week all of the year 6 classes have loved going in the woods with Rowan from Forest Schools it was really exciting and we loved having the freedom to explore as we wished. We really enjoyed using the hammock it was great fun.

The day began with building dens, we also found the space to build a rope swing. Then we made pizza pockets and toasted marshmallows on an open fire. By the end of the day we were tired and covered in mud.

We are really looking forward to our first school music concert back after covid next week. We really hope to see lots of you there.

Some of our Y6s went to a cricket tournament on Tuesday. They played so well and were a pleasure to watch as they showed impressive skills and polite manners throughout. The girls played two games: the first against Hallam Girls and the score line was so close, they won 53 against our 48. Then they also played Netherthorpe Girls but lost unfortunately. The boys were very successful, winning all 3 games which meant they got to play in the final against a Hallam Boys team. It was ridiculously close but Hallam won by 1 point.

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